Sunday, July 30, 2006

Some Old Recoil

In case you were wondering...which I'm sure you were...I've recently been filling in over at the KXVO 15 10 O'Clock News, trying to spread the joy of comedy to the masses under the alias of "news." Well, last Friday we aired a piece from Post Modern Television, that, out of context probably made more sense than it did in context. Anyways, it's something that some Recoil readers may be familiar with and others might enjoy. You can find a link to it here, with a description that says something to the effect of "Taylor helps an Arizona man find an apartment."

And tune in tomorrow (Monday) least those of you in Omaha, to find some more Recoil humor...about a little website called GinCork. Not sure when or if it will go up on the just check every now and again.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

And the role of the Joker goes to...

HEATH LEDGER?!?!?!?!?!?!

Listen, I love him just as much as the next guy, but c'mon!!! And it's not like he's the only one that applied. Other actors who were reportedly considered included: Mark Hamill (he did the voice of Joker in the animated series), Crispin Glover, Robin Williams, Adrien Brody, Paul Bettany, and others I may have forgotten.

Okay, so I must admit this is actually just a very strong rumor at the moment and not 100% fact. But I can see Hollywood doing this just to put another pretty face in the film. Who knows? Maybe he tested well for the role and actually has a trick or two up his sleeve (no pun intended).

I was personally cheering for Mr. Crispin Hellion Glover. Granted, I think he can be a bit of a cheeseball in his overly-eccentric performances at times, but I think that once I saw the following creepy and borderline psychotic video, it swayed me in his direction:


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Comment Spam

So my TV site (MagneticMediaFed) gets slammed every day with tons and tons of comment spam-- this is what happens if you ever "get linked." Anyway, its usually pretty normal stuff: male enhancement, mortgage, canadian meds, mortgage, sex toys, more male enhancement (you get the gist).

Today I received the BEST one to date:
hi,your blog is google ! I like it very much! I’m agreeable to your point of view!
I hope to make feiends with you ! please remember me my name is 机票
and I think the name was a link to some sort of gambling site.


So the next time you're in a conversation with a stranger, use the line "I'm agreeable to your point of view."



Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My new specs!

So this is they.

What do you think?


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Our house, in the middle of our street ...

Never covered "cops" before this story.

Then again, never covered a four-hour police "standoff" ... at my building ... where 7 SWAT members entered ... shot three rounds of tear gas ... and found no suspects.

My landlord still asked for rent today.

In related news, I have yet to meet any members of "Scrantonicity."


Thursday, July 20, 2006

You know what would brighten up my week?

It would be an utter delight if Pitchfork would stop reviewing records that we CAN'T F#@CKING BUY!

Look, I've paid large sums of money for many things in my life (obviously), but I draw the line at the $27 compact disc.

Wasn't the internet suppose to make all of this nonsense a thing of the past? And they wonder why people are driven to the P2Ps.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Those F#@ckers better see in 5-D!

After almost two years of full-time employment, I'm finally taking advantage of my companies health benefits. Yesterday I made an appointment to get my teeth cleaned, and today I went to the eye-doctor to get a new set of glasses.

I was expecting to go in, get my exam, pick out some cool frames, and leave having spent somewhere between 0-100 dollars (American). Then things started to add up. AND ADD UP THEY DID! The problem began with the people behind the counter telling me about all the cool features that my current glasses have (glasses paid for by my parents, with their insurance-- PUBLIC SCHOOL INSURANCE). See, I couldn't very well take a step backwards, could I? What if my eyes burst into flames? That would suck and would be painful, no? I also learned that my current glasses have some sort of "thinning agent" placed on the lenses to keep them light and fluffy. Without that I may be in coke-bottle territory. The fact of the matter is I have no idea how bad my eyes are because I've been fortunate enough to really great glasses in previous years.

So here's the rub: they total the bill, with all the coatings and the un-price-tagged frames I picked out and my coverage deductions and I walked out of there having dropped a sum of money that would have easily bought a new iPod-- the good one.

Thanks insurance. Thanks for screwin' me (sadly, I have no one to blame but myself).


Monday, July 17, 2006

Heading Up North

I just received instructions to fly to Toronto on Wednesday morning for work and then fly back that night. My task? To deliver a video tape. An all at once awesome and ridiculous errand indeed.

Any suggestions on things to do while I'm there? I was thinking about hitchhiking, buying milk in a bag, and bribing a mountie to let me ride his horse.


Friday, July 14, 2006

Would you buy stock in this man?

Hello, I believe most of us have met. Thanks goes out to Rick for sending me his millionth invite to sign up. I'm coming into this late in the game, I know.

Check out this video with John Stossel asserting his feelings on legalizing the selling of organs.

"You know, the hotdogs don't spoil when we get to them, all these greedy people selling them... the meat could be bad."


Friday, July 07, 2006


God bless Will Arnett for landing an Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series Emmy nomination for his work as Gob Bluth in now-defunct Arrested Development (the show itself also landed a nomination for best comedy series). This brings many smiles to my face and a tear to my eye. It's the last hurrah for quite possibly my most favorite TV/movie character of all time. And to think, I'll never get to see his trademark chicken dance again.

A little sentimental bit for ya'll:


Thursday, July 06, 2006

For someone who spends as much time online as I do, I sure miss the boat a lot is the premiere Vlog in all the internets. It's also something I've always meant to check out. Well now its too late. The star of the show, Amanda Congdon has apparently quit and took off for Hollywood. The site reports that a new host will be in place by Monday, but it won't be the same... it's NEVER the same. Though sometimes... just sometimes... it's better.


Not since I was in short pants!

Yesterday it was hot as a crotch outside. This is problematic for me because, as I frequently say, I dress like it's 50-degrees all year long. Yesterday was no different. I had long khaki pants on, though substituted my normal t-shirt for a thin, white undershirt (y'know, because it was so damn hot out). I also only recently quit wearing thick black socks in lieu of no socks.

Something had to change.

After work tonight I went to Old Navy, which traffics in the sale of preposterously inexpensive outterwear made my children. The thing is, I'd feel guilty about shopping there if it wasn't so god damn cheap. I purchased a pair of tan shorts for $9. I purchased some groovy flip-flops for $8. I got two (2!) ringer-tees for $10. I got a button-up short-sleave shirt for $11. Seems crazy. Seems like this shouldn't be happening. Lord knows what conditions these children are kept in to produce such articles. But here's the thing: its SO cheap, they can't possibly be profiting, can they? Foolish question. Oh well. At least I'll be cool as I frolic about this summer.


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