Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Adventures of A, B, and C on Avenue B

A walks down the street, listening to his iPod. "Tape N Tapes" is the featured selection. B stops him.

B: Yo, do you have a light for my cigarette?
A: Sorry I don't.
B: Hey, iPod. Do you have a light for my cigarette?
A: I don't have a light.

A tries to walk, but B blocks him.

B: Make me some fire nigga.
A: If you get me two sticks I can rub them together and light your cigarette.
B: Then get some sticks. Make me fire.
A: I don't see any sticks. Find me some sticks and I'll make your fire.
B: Make me some sticks, iPod.

B keeps A from walking away. C is off to the side. He laughs, but doesn't seem to want any of this.

A and B start walking.

A: Find me those sticks and I'll rub them together and make you fire.
B: Here's a stick, nigga.

B hands A a stick.

A: Great, now I just need one more, and I can make you your fire.
B: There's your stick.

B points to a tree. A starts rubbing the stick on the tree.

A: Great, now put your cigarette against this and I'll make you your fire.
B: Give me your iPod.
A: Just put your cigarette against the tree and I'll start the fire.

B grabs A's white earbuds and pulls the cord from his pocket.

B: Give me your iPod, nigga.
A: You have it. It's attached to the headphones.

B looks at the end of the cable and sees no iPod. A doesn't see it either. B reaches into the pocket of A and pulls out a wallet. The wallet has about thirty dollars in it, a credit card, a bank card, a social-security card, an AMC movie-watcher card, a work ID, and various papers and notes.

C: I didn't do any of this.
A: Hey, you didn't get my iPod. I still have it.

B is running down the block with C.

A: Hey! You didn't get my iPod! I'll trade you the iPod for the wallet!

B stops running.

B: Where's the iPod?

A pulls it out of his pocket and holds it up. B comes back to A.

B: Give me the iPod.
A: Give me the wallet.

The two each hold the item the other wants, dance around each other for a minute and eventually make the switch.

B gets the iPod. The iPod is a Shuffle. It was purchased for $58 at Circuit City in an "open box." It currently housed the Tapes N Tapes record, the new Ben Kweller record. An early Belle and Sebastian record, and a release by The Drive-By Truckers.

A gets the wallet. It's missing about $30, but still has $7 in it, as well as the credit card, the bank card, and the various pieces of identificaiton.

B and C run down the block and turn at the corner of the park.

A walks home.


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Mmmmmm, that's some good eatin'

Here is a video a friend of mine put together. It's quite funny, and he even snuck in a line that I had told him. Spread the good word.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Some highlights from my trip to Chicago last week


Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Hardest Simpson to Button


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Karma Police, Arrest This Girl.

Things I did this weekend:

Had my bank account wiped out on the 8th and 9th.
Turned 24 on the 10th.
Filed a police report for grand larceny on the 11th.

Gooood times.


Friday, September 01, 2006

Can't spell "Agassi" without "A Gas!"

Monday night I went to the US Open and saw Andre Agassi beat Andre Pavel in a grueling three and a half hour opening round match. It was fun times ten. Well, he won again tonight. It was epic times fourteen!

Basically what I'm saying is tennis is awesome.


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