Sunday, January 28, 2007

What's Old is New.

Because I just can't get enough of this funk, funk, funk, I've decided to move from "Old Blogger" to "New Blogger." Since I'm not entirely sure what this will mean for those of you who enjoy contributing to the site, I thought I'd give you a heads up -- THAT IS unless there is a large faction of the few people who read/write this site that ABSOLUTELY don't want to have to deal with having a Google LogIn.

I might not get around to it for a few days, so keep me posted in the comments...


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This Will Bring Life Back To The Tracker

I have a job that pays me to do things like this:


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Let's think about this rationally (not one of my strong-suits)

So after I finished reading all of the live blogging from this morning's MacWorld keynote, and after I changed my pants, took my pulse, and thought about things, I was still pretty damn impressed with the iPhone... more or less.

For the past six months or so I've been fairly certain that once my Sprint contract runs out, I'm going to get a smart phone. I love e-Mail (more than actual phone calls) and would like to be able to do so on the go. Web access sounds... eh, but if its there, and I'm paying for it, I'll use it. Most important, at this point, is the keyboard. I'm tired of texting with my thumb, and I'm tired of T-9 not knowing swear words.

The iPhone would do everything I want it to do.

It also will cost a small fortune. On the low end, the device will cost $500. Add to that $40 a month for Cingular service (anytime minutes is not something I go through on a rapid basis), and $50 a month for an unlimited data plan (if you don't get unlimited data, there really isn't a point to carrying around a wireless computer). After taxes and fees you're all ready well over $100 a month just to use the damn thing. All in all the first year of service, with the device would probably end up costing close to $2000.

Wow. That's a tad on the expensive side, no?

There's also the curious phenomenon that I actually can't see myself carrying this thing around the city. What if I dropped it? What if the screen cracked? What if a mugger took my wallet and I had to trade him the phone to get it back? What if I realized that I could just get a decent flip phone for free?

Apple Inc. is a cool company. I've always been a supporter, but I've also realized that its a company that makes products that are targeted at people like me, but who aren't me.

Unless I win the lotto tonight (for which I have two tickets). Then its iPhones for all!!!

Still, five years ago no one thought anyone would pay $400 for a four-gig MP3 player... and yet people did, and it CHANGED THE WORLD!... or something.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

If this doesn't pan out, there's always money in the banana stand...


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