Thursday, July 06, 2006

Not since I was in short pants!

Yesterday it was hot as a crotch outside. This is problematic for me because, as I frequently say, I dress like it's 50-degrees all year long. Yesterday was no different. I had long khaki pants on, though substituted my normal t-shirt for a thin, white undershirt (y'know, because it was so damn hot out). I also only recently quit wearing thick black socks in lieu of no socks.

Something had to change.

After work tonight I went to Old Navy, which traffics in the sale of preposterously inexpensive outterwear made my children. The thing is, I'd feel guilty about shopping there if it wasn't so god damn cheap. I purchased a pair of tan shorts for $9. I purchased some groovy flip-flops for $8. I got two (2!) ringer-tees for $10. I got a button-up short-sleave shirt for $11. Seems crazy. Seems like this shouldn't be happening. Lord knows what conditions these children are kept in to produce such articles. But here's the thing: its SO cheap, they can't possibly be profiting, can they? Foolish question. Oh well. At least I'll be cool as I frolic about this summer.

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