Tuesday, August 01, 2006

100-degrees feels a lot like 92-degrees

Okay kids, raise your hand if its not unbearably hot where you live. That's what I thought. I hope everyone is getting used to it, as Al Gore promises that this is going to be the future. A sweaty, nasty, steamy, delicious future. Sign me down.

In non-heat related news, you might have read Taylor's post which appear just below this one and felt mildly to moderately confused. Let me take this time to sum it up for those who, maybe, weren't exactly sure what was happening.

KXVO, Omaha has a program called the 10:00 news. I, curiously, have been featured on the show last Friday and Yesterday. You should click the links and check out the video-- especially that from Monday night, where Taylor's exposes GinCork.com as a tool of the devil. Seriously though, its really, really funny, and not just because I'm in it (;)).

Now back to the heat. The weatherman at my station keeps saying that we're in the middle of a heatwave, because we've had more than three consecutive days in the 90s. This makes sense in New York City, but it doesn't really make sense if the same rules were held in, say, Death Valley. Does the definition of heatwave change depending on an areas average climate? Is a heatwave in Louisiana 3 days of 100-degrees or more?

These are things I think about.

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