Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Let the battle begin!

June 20-somethingth marks the beginning of summer. But more importantly, it marks the beginning of an age-old pop music tradition: the annual contemplating of SotS (song of the summer) status. Let's recap some past winners.

2003- "Crazy in Love" by Beyonce
2004- "Float On" by Modest Mouse
2005- "Holla Back Girl" by Gwen Stefani

Over the past few days a two songs have been sent my way (thanks E!) that could easily take the SotS crown. Of course, whenever two pieces of media are placed side-by-side within a categorical context, the DEMAND to be compared, contrasted, and scrutinized to the nth degree*.

So here are 2006's first entries. Have a listen and post a comment. Perhaps one will walk away with the gold come Labor Day.

LDN--Lily Allen [mp3 2.3mb]

Crazy--Gnarls Barkley [mp3 5.5mb]

*Kinda funny how "Nth Degree" never made much of a splash, isn't it?

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