Monday, May 29, 2006

The Review Least Likely To

Has anyone heard this album? If so, can you explain its sound without stringing together as many cliche music reviewer analogies as this guy.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Dear Suri,

As you've faded out of the public eye, so too has the legitamacy of my bracelet. Thanks for the memories.


Friday, May 26, 2006

The Official Condom of this Blogger

A couple days ago, I saw a young man wearing a black T-shirt with these words screenprinted onto it in white: "Trojan Magnum XL."


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

New York City, you're KILLING ME

This city does not reward those who contemplate. Last week I heard that Cursive was playing here on July 7th-- over a month away, mind you. So just now I go to buy tickets online and BAM! Sold Out.

This isn't Radiohead, people! (... or is it?!?)


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"Oh, I've been to Prague. Well, I haven't 'been to Prague' been to Prague, but I know that thing."

Yes. It's happening. It's It's finally happening.


Saturday, May 20, 2006

I tried to go to the new Apple Store yesterday. *Tried*

There were three of us. We got out of the subway at 5th Avenue around 5:45pm. Now, I wasn't planning on getting in right away, but who knew we wouldn't even be able to get close. IT WAS MADNESS. Gothamist has the whole story. I did see Steve Jobs from a distance. Guess, what?! He was wearing a mock-turtleneck!

What's funny about this story is I actually had something I wanted to buy...


For Rushmore fans

Tonight I discovered that a friend of a friend is none other than the "school reporter/george" in Rushmore. Here he is. I met someone semi-famous!!! Amazing.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

The return of MagneticMediaFed!

Remember this site? I do. I spent the better part of two years there. Good times.

Well, I've gone and relaunched it. Yes, it's okay to do that.

But it's at a new address and boasts new subject matter. Instead of the indepth covering of my eating/sleeping/living habits will officially be your new home for all matters television. Show reviews, trends, news, and whatever else catches my fancy in the universe of televised media will find its way onto MagneticMediaFed for the betterment of human kind.


Thanks for your support, and spead the word to your couch-potato kin.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Fightin' 2nd

Better know this district.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Let the battle begin!

June 20-somethingth marks the beginning of summer. But more importantly, it marks the beginning of an age-old pop music tradition: the annual contemplating of SotS (song of the summer) status. Let's recap some past winners.

2003- "Crazy in Love" by Beyonce
2004- "Float On" by Modest Mouse
2005- "Holla Back Girl" by Gwen Stefani

Over the past few days a two songs have been sent my way (thanks E!) that could easily take the SotS crown. Of course, whenever two pieces of media are placed side-by-side within a categorical context, the DEMAND to be compared, contrasted, and scrutinized to the nth degree*.

So here are 2006's first entries. Have a listen and post a comment. Perhaps one will walk away with the gold come Labor Day.

LDN--Lily Allen [mp3 2.3mb]

Crazy--Gnarls Barkley [mp3 5.5mb]

*Kinda funny how "Nth Degree" never made much of a splash, isn't it?


Tuesday, May 09, 2006


So, what? No one has anything to report?

For lack of anything else to post, I think I had the BIRD FLU yesterday.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

A crappy movie.

Check out David Cross and Michel Gondry in what will likely be the the weirdest thing you'll see all day.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

John Hodgman is a PC

The new Apple ads are funny. They are funny because of reasons three. First, they feature two characters playing the roles of "PC" and "Mac" and oh is it funny to watch them converse. Second and third would have to be the two actors Justin Long (Mr. Warren Cheswich from "Ed") and John Hodgman (now seen on The Daily Show as their "Resident Expert"). We all know why people love Justin Long-- because he nailed Britney Spears in that "Crossroads" movie (I hear, as I haven't actually seen the film. Though if I'm not mistaken John Goodman plays "the warden"), but why-oh-why should any of us care about John Hodgman? The answer, will not surprise you.

It's 'cause he's real, real funny.

He recently published a faux-almanac called "Areas of My Expertise" which I picked up a week or so back and find quite delightful. It's a collection of mostly made-up facts covering topics as broad as "how to write a story" to "700 hobo names" and myriad topics in between. It should also be noted that his Daily Show segments are a high point in a show that is otherwise coasting (the real fun begins at 11:30).

So yeah, check him out if the spirit moves you-- or if you want something to read at Barnes and Nobel while sipping on your Iced Mocha.


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