Saturday, April 01, 2006

I pity tha April foo'

Okay, so I read a blog post on a phallic conspiracy and admired how it sounded like some of the low-brow material I've written in the past. It dances around the joke a little long-winded-like, but when you reach each punchline, it's pretty amusing. So I'll support this man's alleged Gatorade Conspiracy.

Granted, the whole joke about things that subtly resemble sex organs is pretty overdone. But every now and then comes along one that you never really thought about before, and the case made for it will never allow you to look at it the same again. I ironically guzzled down some Gatorade -- the EXACT SAME FLAVOR as the one featured at the beginning -- 2 minutes before reading it. Maybe that made the joke more disturbing.

Reminder: spring ahead tonight, suckas.

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