Sunday, April 30, 2006

Didja see last night's "Press Corespondent's Dinner"

I did. Figured, "Hell, it's Saturday night, might as well rock a little C-SPAN, no?"


The key-note was given by one Mr. Stephen Colbert. He was in classic Colbert Report fashion and delivered his pointed barbs to a president sitting mere feet away. It was rough, but not uncomfortable, like when Don Imus spoke during Clinton's administration-- no, THAT was uncomfortable. As for Colbert's actual material-- A#1. Some of the best I've seen him do, even if the audience reaction (or at least that which was being picked up by C-SPAN's radio-shack micing equipment) seemed tepid at best.

Here's a video he used to close his speech. The set-up is that this was his audition-reel for the job of White House Press Secretary.

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