posted by RICK : 3:37 PM
So, apparently I was on Jeopardy last night under the pseudonym "Michael."

I did quite well.
In other programming...
I'm watching "Veronica Mars" last night on my computer because Nets basketball and a two-hour Top Model finale kept it from airing on actual television, and there were about 3 or 4 scenes involving Logan and Veronica and watching them made me feel kinda awesome. It was a feeling I hadn't really experienced since watching Zach and Kelly back in middle school. It made me realize that television typically produces horrible romances. Sure, if you want drama (or beter yet, melodrama), then TV is where to be, but actual romance will typically leave you cold.
I find this interesting, because there have been shows built entirely around the concept of romance and yet they are never actually romantic. "Ed" comes to mind-- a show I loved, but more for its humor, characters and quirks than for the underlying romance storyline. I mean, I bought it, but I never FELT it.
Perhaps the Logan/Veronica dynamic in VM works so well because we all know deep down that there's no WAY these two should ever get together but the notion that they might do so is too tempting to resist.