Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Ebbs and Flows of What Is Recoil

The regular readers of this site will notice that we're in the middle of "the lull." This happens when nothing is going on in life and those of us who are still living the "education" schedule are in the middle of breaks from classes. What is interesting is that most people I know who have been working normal, non-school-related jobs, still seem to adhere to this schedule: spring breaks, dead weeks, the whole shabang.

So allow me to spice things up with some public queries:
1) Did you see "The Sopranos?" Great opening, or GREATEST opening?
2) "Big Love." I'm not going to say that this is going to be the next big show, but it's better than I thought it was going to be. Also, did anyone else find this show kind of unspecifically creepy?
3) The "24" death count is on the rise. Crazy.
and in non-TV,
4) Remember when I got sick? Remember how I was unsure if I was going to have to pay copious amounts of money to some medical center? Well, I got a bill from my insurance provider yesterday. Anyone want to guess the total?

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