posted by RICK : 9:22 AM
Maintenance:You may have noticed that the "Sweet Posts" column has been deleted, though it's more likely that you have not. Either way, it has. This is because I don't think I'm in a position to really determine what a "Sweet Post" is-- despite the fact that, you know, I'm the blog administrator and can really do whateverthefuck I'd like. And even if I did feel okay identifying a sweet post, I don't think I'd want to. That's right, I'm a
real live wire (haha, no).
In place of the aforementioned "Sweet Posts" I've decided to fill the space with some non-blog-links that are at the very least tangentially related to this site (hopefully the list will expand). One of those items I'd now like to take the time to introduce.
The Drunk-Dial Hotline:1.832.gin.cork(1.832.446.2675)
Call this number!
Better yet, put this number in your cell phone and then call it when you're out with friends. It leads to a voice-mail. Leave a message. Or two. Or twenty. I don't care. But do call it. And pay it forward-- the more the merrier.
This idea: within the next week I hope to post a new site whose exclusive purpose is to house these messages for mass enjoyment. Don't worry, names and other such incriminating evidence will be edited out. It'll just be a phone line and the will of the people. Have at it (I have!).
Good/Bad moviesGood: Finally saw "Heathers" last night. Deliciously dark.
Bad: I'm about an hour into "Girl 6" (one of, say, 4 Spike Lee movies I haven't seen) and DAMN if it isn't awful. It has kind of a "She Hate Me" vibe, but at least that movie, though bad, had some ideas in it. This is just... bad.
Jury DutyI might not go. Seriously. It's on Tuesday. Perhaps I shouldn't have blogged that? Oh well, its a shame there isn't a way to erase any of this.