Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Such Great Heights.

Did you see last night's poorly placed episode of "Arrested Development?" Of course you didn't, because no one was watching television on January 2nd (or at least watching non-football). But why the hell should FOX care?

Luckily, for those of us who did see it, we were greeted with one of the craziest, self-parodied, and most relevant episodes in the show's history. In short, the premise was about how the Bluths were about to go bankrupt and needed to put on a fundraiser where they "pulled out all the stops" in order to save the company. But the backdrop was a not-so-subtle "THIS SHOW IS GOING TO GET CANCELED!" Let's just say the episode involved the following gimmicks: MANY guest stars, 3-D glasses, live performances, and Ron Howard saying "Tell Your Friends to Watch This Show."

They even somehow worked in HBO and Showtime references.

It was amazing.

And now, I think, its time to resurrect a feature from my old blog: "Current chance of..."


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