posted by RICK : 3:01 AM
Did you see last night's poorly placed episode of "Arrested Development?" Of course you didn't, because no one was watching television on January 2nd (or at least watching non-football). But why the hell should FOX care?
Luckily, for those of us who did see it, we were greeted with one of the craziest, self-parodied, and most relevant episodes in the show's history. In short, the premise was about how the Bluths were about to go bankrupt and needed to put on a fundraiser where they "pulled out all the stops" in order to save the company. But the backdrop was a not-so-subtle "THIS SHOW IS GOING TO GET CANCELED!" Let's just say the episode involved the following gimmicks: MANY guest stars, 3-D glasses, live performances, and Ron Howard saying "Tell Your Friends to Watch This Show."
They even somehow worked in HBO and Showtime references.
It was amazing.
And now, I think, its time to resurrect a feature from
my old blog: "Current chance of..."