Sunday, January 22, 2006

Episode 1 Hat: R.I.P.

For the past month I've been wearing this Episode 1 ball-cap.

It was a great cap. It was great because it was lived-in. When I bought it in the spring of 99 I wore it all the time-- specifically while playing ultimate frisbee. Because of this it got a lovely salt-ring around the edges from sweet summer frisbee sweats. I started wearing it again when I found it in my bedroom back in Omaha. Also, I decided to not get my hair cut and needed a hat to control the madness that is my hair. Here's a picture of me and some hidden personalities having a good time while I wear the hat:

Generally speaking, I think most people hated the Episode 1 hat. For starters, it was disgusting looking (as mentiond earlier). Also, it said "Episode 1" in giant letters. That is incredibly uncool. Incredibly.

Tonight I'm walking down Avenue B and a huge gust of wind blow my hat right off my head! I chase it down the street and finally nab it, but its too late, the buckle broke off:


So now I'm stuck with this longish, rediculous, mane of hair AND NO HAT!

Here's what my head currently looks like:

Clearly I need a new hat. Something, anything, to cover up my god-awful receding-do. What do you thing?

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