posted by RICK : 10:15 AM
I'm one hour and forty-five minutes from ending my 14-day working spree. Of course, it has to end in dramatic fashion as I complete the PUNISHING 4am-noon shift in Master Control (translation: Of course, it has to end in dramatic fashion as I complete the semi-annoying-because it's so damn early shift sitting in front of a monitor watching the same 8 stories about the potential transit strike for 8 hours).
I know what your asking yourself? Is it possible for someone to wear giant "clown shoes" as their normal foot atire? The answer is of course, YES, but only if that person is, in fact, a clown. Another popular question: Damn, Rick, how are you going to be treating yourself with that seemingly endless 36 hours off from work? Obviously I'll be spending my time sleeping, enjoying some current cinema, and doing the same thing I do everytime I'm off work: putting on a mask and camping out on the roof clutching a pillow-sack full of batteries.
What else can I type in the remaining 7 minutes of my break? I don't know.
Let me think. In the meantime, enjoy this great article on SLATE
about "My Humps" (the worst/best/worst song of the year).
Post 'em if you got 'em.
UPDATE AT 12:06PM EST: I'm done with work. Getting ready to go see "The Three Burrials...". And "Arrested Development" might not be
dead just yet. Also, the TWU has
yet to sign a contract. The whimsy from this event has now officially diappeared.