posted by RICK : 12:07 PM

Like any all-American media junkie, I love DVDs. Especially TV on DVD. BUT ESPECIALLY, I like how TV DVDs look when they're placed next to each other on a shelf. I like how each season of a show typically has a similar package design but maybe with different colors. When distributors change the package design I find it mildly irritating because my shelf no longer feels whole. Example: Strangers With Candy seasons 1 and 2 both had near identical packages: fold out cases inside a cardboard sleeve. Well when season 3 was finally released they switched to DVD slim-cases inside a cardboard sleeve, making the case about an eighth of an inch bigger than its predecessors. This really pissed me off, and if I hadn't been such a huge fan of the show it may (MAY) have kept me from buying it.
Last August, Fox released The Simpsons season 6. I had purchased seasons 3, 4 and 5 and LOVED the way they looked on my shelf (as for the actual DVDs, well the replay value is a bit diminished when the show is on television 4 times a day). But when season 6 came out, they abandoned the thick, colorful, fold-out cases and went with these ugly, three-dimensional "Simpson heads." Wha-what?! I can't stack that in a row! Those demand to be displayed individually, but then what about the previous seasons? Where's the continuity?
So I sold seasons 3, 4, and 5 and gave up the collection. Like I mentioned, I wasn't going to watch these that often anyway. But damn they looked good.
Today I get the Sunday paper and flip through the
Best Buy Ad and what do they advertise? TWO versions of Simpsons 7: One with a crazy 3-D Marge-Head, and one with a classy fold-out purple box. DAMN, that sucks.