Friday, November 25, 2005

Stop the presses!!

Okay, I just had a thought. I did a Google-Blog search for my old high school, partially because it's the holidays and becoming nostalgic. Partially because I feel like I never really know what I should be searching for and just end up going for the staples: high school, omaha, things I find generally interesting, etc. Well, my seach pulled up some random blogger profile of someone who seems to be attending Millard West High School. Well, the profile included their DOB, which was September 29, 1990.

Let's let that sink in...

September 29, 19-NINETY. The 90s! There are currently people attending my high school who were not alive during the Reagan administration. Kids, who weren't alive when the wall came down. Kids, who have probably never even SEEN an 8-bit Nintendo. That is, to put it mildly, twisted. These kids, when they flip on VH1 on a random school-night, well not only will they be bored by the notion of reminising about a previous decade, but they might not even believe that said decade ever took place.

Is this really what we want? Do want our schools filled with children who grew up without Saturday morning cartoons? No. This passive-agression will not stand!

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