posted by RICK : 1:28 AM

Are you as obsessed with the R. Kelly
opera, "Trapped in the Closet," as I am? It's kind of, well, perfect. It is exactly the kind of ultra-high-concept and yet completely awful piece of popular media that you want in the world. It's the type of thing that 10 years from now people will say, "Oh my god, remember the R. Kelly opera 'Trapped in the Closet'? That was easily the craziest piece of R&B to be released in the fall of 2005!"
To which someone will likely respond, "Yeah, and didn't he also pee on a teenage girl?"
But then the first person will fire back, "Let's not split hairs, okay?"
And that's just it, the magic of "Trapped in the Closet" is that it momentarily (possibly permanently) will cause the average person to think of R. Kelly as some sort of mad-genious of deliciously bad concept-art and NOT as R.Kelly, child-pornographer/golden-shower-giver.
He was also the primary subject of this past week's episode of
The Boondocks, a not-hilarious, but funny show about how crazy white people are. In the episode, I think Huey said it best, "What the hell is wrong with you people?!" The same can also be applied to, really, anyone who finds "Trapped in the Closet" to be a legitimate masterpiece. Let's be honest people, this isn't "Tommy," or even "American Idiot" for that matter, but you know those people exist. Somewhere, someone is
buying chapters 1-12 with no irony, and maybe it makes me part of the media-elite, but that is fucking frightening. Seriously, Mr. Kelly can't even be recording these with a straight face, can he?
"Trapped in the Closet" to expand for no real reason --
Chapters 1-5 for your viewing pleasure -- Google Video
AND not to change the subject, but...The best thing about VH1-Classic, isn't that they play classic videos, so much as the VJs introducing said videos look vaguely like a slightly younger version of your dad. It's refreshing to have music videos presented to you from someone other than an Urban Outfitters mannequin.