Saturday, November 19, 2005

"Except after I'm done I make gold records!"

Thursday afternoon I was sitting in my room watching old SNL episodes on E!, which will never sound right to me-- SNL belongs on Comedy Central and everyone knows it. In any case, the particular episode that was airing was the one hosted by Christopher Walken during the (I think) 2000-2001 season, and of course, the "More Cowbell" sketch aired.

The first time I saw this, was a year or two after it originally aired. I caught it on a replay (much like the one I was watching) while at work. I remember thinking how hilarious the sketch was, and that was about it. I brought it up with others over the next day or so and many had seen it, but it wasn't excessively quoted or really even that memorable aside from its general existence in the SNL catalog.

But then something happened, and all of a sudden it became THE sketch that defined not only Chris Walken, but Will Ferrell and really the entire post-Farley SNL era. The question is this: what was the turning point? Was it the best of Will Ferrell DVD? Was it subsequent Walken appearances that triggered the memory? Or was it simply the replays on Com. Central (or --shudder-- E!) that made sayings such as "I've got a fever..." commonplace. Maybe a more better question would be, "does anyone remember seeing this sketch on its original air-date?" I'm thinking the answer is NO, as really, who was watching SNL in 2000?

morecowbell.mpeg [29.4mb]

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