posted by RICK : 12:23 PM
Y'know that day in history? The one yesterday? Here's some highlights:
Eleven-year-old Grace Bedell of Westfield, N.Y., wrote a letter to presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln, suggesting he could improve his appearance by growing a beard.
With the support of President Wilson, the Clayton Antitrust Act, which made it illegal for companies to buy competitors' stock, was passed.
Mata Hari, World War I spy, was executed by a firing squad in Vincennes, France.
I Love Lucy, starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, had its television debut.
It was announced that Nikita Khruschev was removed from his positions as premier and secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR.
The U.S. Department of Transportation was created.
Wayne Gretzky topped Gordie Howe's NHL scoring record.
Clarence Thomas got a narrow (52–48) Senate confirmation of his nomination to the Supreme Court.
Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work to end apartheid in South Africa.
October 15th
And let's not forget birthdays! Let's see, there's
Emeril Lagasse,
Penny Marshall,
Bob Borden, and oh yes,
A Birthday Rundown 2005So the gameplan was this: Get a bunch of kids together at Prospect Park and play Ultimate Frisbee until we all realize how much we hate participating in all types of physical activity. As I've mentioned before, it had been raining for nonstop for over a week. To my great fortune, it stopped Friday night and the park was almost dry by Saturday morning. I bought some orange cones, a 175 gram Frisbee and BAM we were off. I think we played for maybe 6 minutes before everyone started to feel like they were on the brink of cardiac arrest. But we were persistant. I think we played 4-5 games and had a damn good time. Yes, even when the mysterious Tony(
?) asked to join the game and then proceeded to slowly but surely weird us all out. The game started at 2:30 and we played off and on for a couple hours. Then the party moved into the shade where we ate cupcakes and had apple pie and wore party hats featuring
Then we all went home and bathed and realized that in a period no less than 12 hours we'd all be in excruciating pain.
At 9:00 we remet up at
Barcade and enjoyed spirits and old video games.
Bottom line: great birthday. Thanks to everyone who came and called. Much fun was had.
And yes, my body feels like its been hit by a