Monday, October 24, 2005


Erin and I went and saw the aforementioned film last night. It's a very good movie, but you would never know it because of the absolutely terrible score that is played over a good 2/3rds of the film. Its terrible in the way the score for The Hours was terrible in that it was so overbearing you never watched a scene thinking about the relationships between characters but instead why the director (or whoever) thought it would be a good idea to inundate the viewer with a sound that is suppose to make you think you're watching the single most important scene ever filmed by man or beast. Which is a shame because the film could easily have stood on its own.

Interesting note: its peculiar that Steve Martin doesn't give off the same level of sophisticated-cool that Bill Murray did in Lost in Translation. Physically, Martin is much more of the type, and I would guess, based on what I know of the two actors, that his personal life is such as well. Perhaps this is just a testament to Murray's acting-- and I guess Martin's obvious strength in writing.

Also, Jason Schwartzman carried the film. If he hadn't been in it, it might have been unbearable.

All that being said, its a good movie that just wasn't assembled very well.

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