posted by RICK : 2:30 PM

As of me typing this, the Nebraska Cornhuskers are tied with the Missouri Tigers at a score of 24-24. About an hour earlier the score was something like 21-3 in favor of Missouri. That's pretty good work for the 'Skers, a team that is neither terrible nor very good, but strangely exciting to watch. Especially after recent-- or hell, even not-so-recent history. My relationship with the team has always been all over the map. Early on I rooted like any proud resident would, but as I got older my enthusiasm waned as I began associating football with all that is wrong with America. However, in recent years I've come back around. Perhaps also because the team has been horrible. They used to be like the Yankees. Ever season they were contenders, and the fans rioted when they'd lose a single game. But there's one thing the Husker's rarely were, and that's exciting. For being so good for so long, they couldn't have been a more painfully boring team to watch. Up-the-middle. The Option. Up-the-middle. The option. That was the game for 20 years. They'd blow out all of their opponents but it never really meant anything. Even the season they were arguably at their strongest, when they played Florida in the bowl game and completely annihilated them, they were so good it wasn't all that much fun.
Flash forward to this season.
No one expected anything from the team and while they certainly aren't remarkable, or perhaps even that good, they have become interesting to watch.
Which brings me to 12:50pm EDT on this football Saturday. On a whim I left work on my epic, mid-shift, break and went up to midtown to see this mythical "Husker Bar" that I've heard so much about. Well, dry land is not a myth... for I have seen it.
A bar, plasma-screens-a-plenty, packed with people in that irritatingly-bright RED cheering like madmen for a team 1500 miles away. It was pretty great, and while I only stayed for about 20 minutes I was reminded of my home state and the simple pleasures of life-- like eating bean dip out of a crock pot while watching college sports.
Thanks to: L-HAM (aka The Potato) for the invite and the heads up.