posted by RICK : 5:02 PM
So I'm reading the wires at work and this past week's
Nielsen* ratings come across and something strikes me as peculiar, and perhaps very telling of our times: in the top 20 shows airing over the networks the only comedy's that cracked the list were "Two and a Half Men" and "My Name Is Earl" at 14 and 16 respectively. Five years ago, this would never have been the case. For as long as I can remember, the top ten was always filled with sitcoms. Seinfeld, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, Will and Grace. And while it is true that the traditional sitcom has definitely died, it doesn't mean that there are any less comedies on television.
Some would also argue that it wasn't dramas, but reality television that may have killed comedy, but while that may have once been true, it's not true anymore. Survivor is the only reality-hit currently in the lineup (smart marketing on their part-- along with the Idol people-- of not diluting their brand. Why the hell are there 2 apprentices on, on seperate nights).
What this is really showing is either 1) people just aren't in the mood for comedy lately, but instead in the mood for grizly violence (CSIs and Law and Orders among others) and/or complex narratives (Lost, Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy). If its the latter, I guess I could support it, but then how does one account for the fact that no one watches Arrested Development? Really, those shows are anomolies of network television. Now, the second possibility (2) is that people aren't getting their comedy from television-- or at least have moved to cable. If you like edge, you're much better off going to comedy central or HBO or FX. Or maybe, MAYBE its the fact that people are getting their comedy online. In a way the comedy trend seems to be getting away from shows and more about things. A funny video someone links to, or forwarded joke emails. That sort of thing.
I'd continue, but my break is over and I have to go back to work. More later, for sure.
*Link actually shows programs ranked by share, not by # of viewers