Monday, October 10, 2005

A Non-Holiday

I was awoken today from a great slumber to a ringing telephone. After picking it up I was informed that I was suppose to be at work 45 minutes prior. I threw some clothes on and was relieving coworkers within 40 minutes. But here's the problem: it's Columbus Day. The day every October when the Italians pretend like they had something, anything, to do with the discovery of America. We're a very proud bunch. The problem, as briefly described below, is that Columbus Day is an almost holiday. Some banks aknowledge it and close up shop, and yet our friends on Wall Street halfheartedly show up and worry about pork-futures. As for New York One, it's not a company holiday and yet its scheduled like one... kind of. We still have our normal production schedule, but the schedules are moved around... y'know, just to keep us on our toes.
Here's what I'm getting at: I don't support half-assed holidays. It's either a holiday where all the 'big' work is shelved and then only those who are abosolutely needed report (or closed completely like our friends at the bank and the USPS), or it's not a holiday. Everything in between should be categorized as "Casual Friday."
So now I'm at work for the next 6 hours, but with absolutely nothing to do. Maybe I'll get a bagel or something...

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