Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another sign of the awfulness of network TV

I was just watching "The Office" (a show that has become much funnier since the spring), and the cold-open was playing over the credits from the previous show. C'mon people can't things just EXIST. Why does everything have to be synergized?

Also, best line: "Sometimes the teenagers use it for sex."


UPDATE 17 minutes later
Okay, while network TVs practices are becoming more and more ridiculous with each passing moment, I have to say that the quality of the content (more or less) is getting better. Well, let me rephrase that. Network TV will ALWAYS show 7% good, entertaining programming, and 93% pure crap. Always. Dating back to its inception. But I think the good content is actually getting better-- or at least more inovative and interesting.

Tonight's episode of The Office might have been the best single comedy episode of the new season-- across the board.

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