posted by RICK : 11:58 AM

It's fall (thank god). This means the weather will be momentarily pleasant before turning bitter and soul-crushing. Also this means I'm nearing yet another birthday, a fact that is starting to become tedious as I can't keep from aging despite all of my mad-scientist-like schemes on curbing it. Note: if you'd like to get me a gift, I'd be happy to acquire a brand new computer.
But what makes the fall most memorable has to be
playoff baseball. This year looks a lot like last year in many respects, except now Boston has a ring and that kind of takes everything down a notch. I mean, is there really a team that a baseball fan can get behind? The Padres? Hardly. Come see me next year when you're a few more games over .500. I obviously can't root for Atlanta, what with their trouncing of the Mets, and yet the more I think about it, I'd have been pretty happy to see Philly playing October ball. They're our rivals, but we can beat them on the road... unlike Atlanta. Plus, Philadelphia is a good sports town. Then there's the Angels, who I have nothing against, except their night games won't start until 10pm over here and who the hell needs that. Sometimes I feel like the west coasts teams might as well be playing in the Japanese leagues. Of course, there's the Empires, the Yanks and Sawks. I know I'll be rooting against the Yankees, because as a die-hard Met fan, that's what I do after July (interestingly enough, this year I actually had to postpone my vigilant anti-Yank hating for much later in the season as the Mets continually toyed with the notion of playing quality ball late in the season. But as for the Sox, it isn't the same as last year. If they do win the World Series (or at least the ALCS) then does that make them the new Yanks? And what does that mean for me? There's the other Sox too... the cleaner ones. My roommate loathes them. I could think of worse teams to have win. San Diego anyone?
Here's another question. If you're favorite team is in the NL, does that mean you should be rooting for the NL in the World Series? OR, should you be rooting for AL because you don't want anyone who may have beaten you to succeed?
In any case it's still the best sport you can find in the month of October (sorry football fans).
And speaking of, how about that
Husker win this past weekend?!