Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Old news

A few housekeeping items before we start blowing this thing wide open...

FIRST, if you haven't checked out my most recent podcast you can do so by clicking here. Also, for whatever unexplainable reason, my feed is currently not working in iTunes. Deal.

Also on the auditory front, the No Picture Show has also updated. Check it out. The current episode boasts an exclusive interview with indie legend Richard Linklater.

And while I'm on the subject, I need to express a concern. My iPod, which broke a couple months ago and then miraculously resurrected itself is now broke again, but this time in a seemingly permanent mannor. I am quite frustrated by this. It was the hard drive that went and has since made me rethink the whole portable music player market. If a hard drive based device can't take some simple wear and tear, then what's the point. My next purchase is going to be a flash player, but it won't be a Nano. As cool as that thing may be, I've heard nothing but problems in terms of the screens and them cracking because of its thinness.

So I'm going to buy a Shuffle. Unless anyone has any better ideas. More as this develops.

AND 10 POINTS to L-Ham, for being the first non-me-poster!

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